Friday, January 14, 2011

The Egg Tarts Ambassador Jenny Lau Bee Kean

I cannot say that 5SC is better or a lot funnier than 4SD. Different person with different style marh...

I'm now sitting with The Egg Tarts Ambassador Jenny Lau Bee Kean. In front of me is The Freak Centaur Chew Sing Hui, beside him is The Cantonese Fail Ling Zi Xian.

Three of them are making me more crazier than ever. Sing Hui is talking about the dirty stuff all the time and he can even relate the Sejarah with porn? Omg la

Jenny is still the shorty who makes me feel taller and her laugh is epic. You can see everyone turn around and look at us whenever she laughs.

Zi Xian?? I wonder how she copes with her long hair when she's in the toilet. Lol. And I'm kinda worry her since she's sitting with Sing Hui. Will she turn into a pornography pro at the end of the year?

Oh no, I can't imagine that a girl touching her long hair while dealing with the porn? Ewww..

I was texting with Jenny Lau Bee Kean just now...

Jenny: Hello my girl... what are you doing?

Me: I'm fascinating with the egg tarts? You're hungry? Wait ten years later when the egg tarts tower is build first la..

Jenny: Shapo! ( she spams the word shapo in the msg) Hahahaha ( she spams the word haha too).. It's funny...oh thanks...i don't like egg tart...and i'm full now...I miss you so I text you :D

Me: Of course you miss me! How can you not miss me? You're born to miss me. You miss me to live. You make a living of missing me. You're totally lifeless without me. I'm kinda feel I'm important to you, next time buy egg tarts for me okay?

Jenny: ==

Haha, sorry for the lameness. Btw, you must be thinking why egg tarts?

Because before this we're talking about which tower is taller in the world and I'm going to build a tower named 蛋塔.

If you still don't understand the joke, then you're epic fail.

BBTTWW, I think of another funny thing happened last year in 4SD.

Miss Ho: " Whose umbrella is it at the back there?"

Me: " Rihanna's."

Class: "=..="

1 comment:

Pei EN said...

the umbrella is mine actually =.=