Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Folio not yet done, my mid-year exam just like a piece of shit, Michael had passed away, another exam is coming soon and i havent start study yet... yea yea... These are my problems, i thought these were big problems... But actually not really lar, folio not yet done then get it done now... And my mid-year...exam..uh..TT this time I really need a real pain whack! I had never NEVER...i mean it..NEVER...got this kind of result... I got almost B in my subjects.. wuwu.. Well it still not a problem actually, because when the time i knew my result, there's a strong feeling that told me i have to get my study start now.. Okay, another exam is coming, in next month, still left a few weeks... GREAT..

Okay, let's carry on our life with a new start...

Sunday, June 21, 2009


不知道为什么,从Form 1开始,她们和他们就在月老的牵线之下走在一起,I mean,各和各的走。
Form 2是他们的Honeymoon Year。
Form 3,他们分手了。



还有一个更死,听说他是一个非常色的男生,亏我还曾经当他是好朋友。就被别人发现在学校的某一角处,正和他的女朋友享受一些UNDER 18的东东。


Saturday, June 20, 2009


我这个post是给那些整天上网上到没东西做的人,我知道当你上网上到没东西做的那种空虚的感觉。 Jee Hwa,我有没有讲错?因为他一直告诉我他上网已经到最高境界了。 我想介绍一些歌和MV,相信我,全都好听到爆!全都刚出而已。

By 2这个组合有听过吗?她们是双胞胎,来自新加坡,所以一开始出道时她们讲华文很有新加坡音而且很卡。有clip头发的那一位是姐姐。 《我知道》就是她们的hot歌

接下来这一位是谢承伟,他是8tv HO CHAK!的前主持人。 其实我很少听本地人唱歌,但这次的这首歌真得很有standard,而且MV也很有那种台湾风的感觉,直差一点点ENERGY。这首歌词写得很有意义,只不过 “来跟我来”那里的手势很俗。 《I see you》


张栋梁这次的专辑的几乎每一首歌都非常成熟,他还换了新形象。他烫了头发,整个感觉很HOT! 我想推荐的这首歌曲还好啦,但MV真得很好看。《沉默的瞬间》

接下来这一首是侧田 Justin 的 《B.O.K》 很有Jazz和Blues的风格。B.O.K的意思其实是 Be Okay。听听看吧! 他的MV一开始的时候,你们不要误会那个video quality 不好,只不过是侧田搞了一点花样,歌词在右手边那里。

最后,我大大大大力力力力推荐!!萧闳仁 《我没有错》。他是新人,而且入围了今年金曲奖《最佳新人奖》(FYI,金曲奖在下个星期六,27号,要支持他!)他有点周杰伦的影子,因为他人长到不很帅,但很会弹钢琴!我很喜欢2:48那边,很可爱!

顺便在这里提一些事情。前几天在报章上看到娱乐新闻,马来西亚R&B王子--张智城要追求--- 亚洲小天王(但在我心里他是世界天王了)周杰伦的前女友----侯佩岑。。屁啦!

My thought

This morning, I was thinking about the dream. The dream was just so familiar, like I was in the dream many years ago. I can't recall where was that. I thought very hard...very hard...and hard... Aha! Gotcha! It was my primary school's toilet. I can't remember how the toilet looks like, but in the dream, I saw the toilet clearly, just like I was there. And I recall back the old times.

Fast and slow, this is what I think about how the time passes by. It is very fast. Just a blink of eye, I'm 15. Six months later, i'm going to form four. Two years later, I'm in the college. Seven years later, I'm working. And maybe ten years later, I'm married.

I still can remember clearly how my first day in the Uk Dih school, that was my primary school. My mum held my hand and walked into my classroom. She was so calm, because this was her fifth time taking her children go to the school, or maybe she was NUMB, didn't have any feeling for that. She needed to find a place for me. Well, she didn't take it seriously.

8 years later, now, I'm fifteen. Sometimes I just can't accept the fastness and the changes of me, myself. I prefer the old times actually. Indeed. I don't like NOW, I mean the fifteen's life. You know, it's kinda tired actually. Everyday is doing the same thing, the right thing, the wrong thing... Yea, human will never satisfy although they are perfectly designed and created, they want something beyond the perfect.. Well, I'm human.

I'm numb. I don't feel pain or sad anymore. It's kinda long time ago since the last time I cried. Do you know why? Maybe I've been through too much, and I need something beyond that I could contain.

I've thought if is there any possible that actually the whole world is acting? I mean they are making up my life. Yea, I know it's weird but I do always think like that.

Friday, June 12, 2009


今天我还差点瘋掉,睡觉睡到一半,突然发现满身大汗。。 好啦,没办法,所以提早去冲凉。。 结果,发现到我的shampoo 和 johnsons baby 都变到温的了。。


其实,男生有两种,一种是小气,一种是大方。。 其实在这之前,我跟他算还蛮好的,我认识他有三年了。而在今年的时候,他还跟我表白了,嗯。。。还算蛮诚恳的,但,我不怎么地认识他,所以推掉他的好意。。 怎么知道,他对我的“好”,180度转变。 看到我好像看到鬼,赶快闪。有时在Msn找他聊天,可是他可以五分钟回你一个信息,或是说idk.. 你知道那是什么吗?那是i don't know 的short form。。 连“我不知道”都要缩短来说。。他还真得满夸张的嘛。。

我并不知道他是有心或无意,但他这么做还真的坏了我对男生的好印象。。 我记得每年BSMM的kawad和first aid 比赛我都是跟他同组,不知道是安排的人故意的吧。。但我真的很希望今年不要跟他同组了,因为他真的显示出他很不屑的样子。。

还有,今天我在Msn里看到一个值得爆料的东西。。那就是这个。。 Kenny Ding:"I'm having a crush on her since i met her.." 哇。。Kenny嘞。。FYI 他是我班聪明仔的其中之一。。该不会她喜欢的女生是catherine吧。。hoho...开玩笑的。。
