Friday, January 8, 2010

Velocity= Displacement/Time Taken

Friday. I love Friday the most since I was in primary school, because it's weekend. Not anymore. Now, weekend, I have to do a lot a lot of homeworks and study a lot a lot of things. Form 3 to form 4 is like a BIG LEAP. Level 1 to level 10. Why would I said that??


a) Many new subjects, which means more things to study, HARDER, more new terms...
b) More tuitions, btw, added one more tuition---Chemistry.
c) More homeworks from tuitions and school.
d) Every teachers in my class, is speeding up their teaching speed.
e) And so on....

Sometimes I'm confused. I study because I want to or I study just because I want to finish the task perfectly, OR peer pressure??? I SERIOUSLY don't know why I am studying so HARD and so BIA. Sometimes, I study or do homeworks, because my friends are doing those things. You know, seriously, I don't mean to offend them. Sometimes, they just ignore existence of those who don't take study seriously. They only will choose to sit with those who study hard, those who do homeworks. OH C'MON LA. FED UP OKAY!!! because I never will be the one who got chosen up. Well, who cares?? Urgh.... DIE DIE DIE~~~


shinliang said...

Every action has its equal and opposite reaction. An object will move in a straight line with constant velocity until otherwise acted by a force. The force is proportional to rate of change of momentum. v=u+at. v^2=u^2+2as. s=ut+0.5at^2. mgh. 0.5mv^2. E=mc^2. centrifugal force. Young's modulus. Diffraction. Reflection...

good luck, you are only starting =P

yy said...

good start with the formula. X)
dont worry. u'll do well! hav faith in urself.
studying because of others sounded kinda silly. if someday, u dont wnt to study anymore, thn dont! haha. *bad influence*

Anonymous said...

lol isn't E=mc^2 relativity by albert einstein?