Sunday, November 8, 2009

Must read finish! Don't ignore or scroll down!!

Anyone who has been tag must answer the following question and post it in their blog and write their own answer.
Anyone who has been tag must answer the following question and tag other people. The person who have been tag before cannot be tag again. So let the tag game begin.

A N S W E R - T R U T H F U L L Y
1. Do you like anyone?: No.
2. Do they know it?: Yes.
3. Simple or complicated?: As simple as ABC, because I don't. haha.

IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U
4. Bought something: The last thing I bought is the sour thingy.
5. Gotten sick?: Erm.. no..
6. Been hugged?: Nope.
7. Felt stupid?: Yea, sometimes, with friends.
8. Talked to an ex: No ex! haha.. no one wants me this tall girl lo..
9. Missed someone: Er...Hardly...
10. Failed a test: Fail? nope...
11. Danced: No way... I hate it..
12. Gotten your hair cut?: Yes, but it's long long ago...
13. Lied: haha..always do...haha

14. Nervous habits?: Eyes turn red, heart beat is like so random, bite lips
15. Are you double jointed?: Nope...
16. Can you roll your tongue?: Yea... I can rolled it to the left, to the right, to the up...
17. Can you raise one eyebrow?: No, i cant!! Practice for hundreds times....
18. Can you cross your eyes?: Yes. Can't everyone do that?
19. Do you make your bed daily?: Err... Sometimes!
20. Do you think you are unique?: Nope. Yea maybe sometimes..

H A V E - Y O U - E V E R'S
21. Said "I Love you": Yes.
22. Given money to a homeless person: Of course.
23. Smoked?: Haven't .. but not interested.
24. Waited all night for a phone call?: oh yeah.
25. Snuck out?: No, my father would definitely kill me for doing that.
26. Sat and looked at the stars?: Yup.

27. Do you swear/curse?: nope, seldom.
28. Do you ever Spit?: NO WAY...
29. You cook your own food?: I only know how to cook maggie, fry egg...
30. You do your own chores?: Yea..
31. You like beef jerky?: Never tried it before.
32. You're happy with your life?: Ya, always.
33. You own a dog?: Yes, for one day.. TT
34. You spend your money wisely?: Yes.
35. Do you like to swim?: I don't know how to swim.. Lol...
36. When you get bored do you call a friend: Erm.. nope.. i chat with friend in msn.

D O - Y O U - P R E F E R'S
37. Flowers or angels?: I'm not ready for angels, perhaps flowers..
38. Gray or black?: Black!! It ROCKS!!
39. Color or black and white photos?: Black and white will do..
40. Lust or love?: Love la... Only the pervert one thikn about lust...
41. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. Not so hot... HAHA
42. M&Ms or Skittles?: Skittles!!
43. Staying up late or waking up early?: Try not to stay up late, and try not to wake up late..
44. Being hot or cold?: Being cold at home. Being slightly cold with frens. LOL.
45. Winter or Fall?: Winter !!
46. Left or right?: Huh?! Umm...i guess right.
47. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: 2 best friends..
48. Sunshine or rain?: Rain. becoz it doesnt feel hot..

49. Been Dumped?: No.
50. Stolen money from a friend?: NO!
51. Been in a fist fight?: Yes, with JEE HWA, that stupiak liar lo...
52. Snuck out of your house?: No.
53. Had a crush on a teacher?: No!! NEVER!! lol..perhaps with cikgu razali that gorilla... HHAHA
54. Seen someone die?: Yes.. T.T
55. Been on an airplane?: NO..
56. Slept all day?: Yes, after church camp..
57. Missed someone so much it hurt?:Who knows? HAHAHA
58. Fallen asleep during school?: Always..
59. Been lonely?: Yes.
60. Cheated in a game?: I can't recall but I know I have.
61. Been to the ER?: ??? What's this?
62. Been in a car accident?: No..
63. Had detention?: No..
64. Missed your first love?: No..
65. Cried yourself to sleep?: No..
66. Sung in the shower?: Who doesn't?
67. Kissed a complete stranger?: NO.
68. Laughed so hard you cried?: HAHHA yea..
69. Cheated on a bf/gf?: No.
70. Regretted hurting someone?: Yeah, definitely.
71. Regretted loving someone?: YES!!!! Everyday...

I would like to tag..:
err...don't feel like to tag leh... coz i think they will just ignore it..

1 comment:

Woi said...

at least you don't haha