(1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。
(2) 不行擅自塗改題目。
(3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。
(4) 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了。
1)Ling Hee Woi
2)Ooi Wei Zhen
3)Cheng Jee Hor
4)Cheng Jee Hwa
5)Cheng Ting Ting
6)Cheng Teng Siu
7)Chong Yong Ying
8)Wong Eleen
9)Chua Peidi
10)Ching King Mei
01-[ 4号认识6号吗? ]:: Of course, if they don't, I think there's some serious problem with tat
02-[ 10号是男还是女? ]:: Girl...
03-[ 8号的兴趣是? ]:: Flirting with Jee Hor, weird right? I also kinda...stunned
04-[ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]:: Yea..
05-[ 7号姓氏? ]:: Chong, i guess
06-[ 10号人缘好吗? ]:: Awesome... I think my fingers can't count out how many guys confessed to her...
07-[ 4号有人追吗? ]:: Haha, he's kinda too shy for it...KAKAKAKAK
08-[ 承上2号呢? ]:: Hah? I don't understand
09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ]:: Err...BROWN
10-[ 3号和10号是朋友吗? ]:: nope, they didn't ever met b4
11-[ 8号的生日是? ]:: Labour day!
12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]:: cambridge..
13-[ 你怎么认识10号的? ]:: through kejia, and weizhen
14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]:: One..
15-[ 你和9号有出去玩过吗? ]:: Of course, she's kinda noisy...HAHA
16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]:: yea.. I DID... =X
17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]:: ==.. Yes, when he brought me to McD but not when he wanted me to help him...MASSAGE.....his hair stinks
18-[ 你觉得7号人怎么样? ]:: She's kind, hard work, and funny sometimes but dosen't during prefect meeting
19-[ 你觉得9号人怎么样? ]:: Flirty...and noisy...but well, she's HILARIOUS..
20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]:: Hah..yes...definitely...
1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: err, went to an unknown blog, and found this
2. 你们认识多久呢:: well, 5 minutes from the time i clicked the link of the author's blog
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗:: Erm...yes, kinda, if now i can't find this such "creative" things, rite?
4. 你与他(她)的关系是:: Acquaintance, maybe couldn't even say that, he's a stranger, and he doesn't even know i went to his blog
5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何:: Err,the way he writes blog, LAME...
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:: blogging?
問 : 當你在更衣室沖水,门忽然被打开了
答 : okay, let say in two conditions. First, if that pervert is a guy, I will scream, and grab my towel as fast as I could, then throw my shampoo or if there's any thing that could kill him. If she's a girl, then i will only scream
問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了
答 : I will not laugh at her although I'd like to, and maybe help her to buy another new one?
問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 : Car? or aeroplane? maybe a boat?
問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買吗
答 : Nope, just wear t-shirts or whatsoever
問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : N97
問 : 海边对你來说是
答 : In Malaysia, i think it's dirty
問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗
答 : OF COURSE i will
問 : 经常用洗面乳吗
答 : Yes, everyday
問 : 说到自恋会想到谁
答 : Wei Zhen, Wei Sheng
問 : 有人说该減肥了 你会
答 : In fact i'll say thanks, coz it's kinda compliment to me
--------------------------THE END-----------------------------
haha.. this kind of thing again.. lucky din write my as a perverted guy or bad guy haha..
問: 海边对你來说是
答: In Malaysia, i think it's dirty
勋亮: 你没有去过Pulau Perhentian le...
問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 : Car? or aeroplane? maybe a boat?
勋亮: 问你问题,你用问题来答问题。闲!
cheh...apparently, i was just 敷衍those question lo...
but still write me as the zilian one
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